When searching for a Bankruptcy attorney you are probably facing tough financial issues. Your bank account may be frozen, wages being garnished, a foreclosure may have been filed or you are just scared for your financial future.
Well take heart, you have come to the right place. At the Law Offices of Gregory A Flood we try to help navigate you to a better tomorrow.
This site has been set up to help you get quick answers to your questions so please feel free to search around. However, no matter what you see here, we welcome you to contact us to let us really see what help we can give you. And if you do not want to look around and want to speak to me, just call or email.
We are located on Staten Island and serve the entire New York City region.
Consultations are always free so either give us a call, 718-568-3678, send us an email: floodlaw@gmail.com or just enter your information on our contact page above.